Monday, September 11, 2006


Some of you know that my son, Mike, lives in Canada with his wife Elaine and their daughters, Robyn and Kelsey. (Technically the girls are Mike's stepdaughters, but please don't tell HIM that!)

Anyway, Kelsey has created a website called DorisDollars, in honor of her grandmother who died of cancer in 2004. The purpose of the site is to raise money for the Canadian Cancer Society, and she has now received their official support!! (they're even adding code to their donations site that will cause donations through DorisDollars to be added to a total fundraising amount for her.)

Kelsey's Kentucky family is EXTREMELY proud of her, as you can tell!!

Please, if you get a chance, check out the Doris Dollars site and leave a word of encouragement, suggestions, or even just a howdy for this remarkable 12-year-old!


Here's a link to the site:


Friday, September 01, 2006

Lindsay Grace Watson

I am going to try to put two photos of Lindsay on this posting.
This is harder than I thought but hopefully I will get it soon.

Angela and daughter Lindsay Grace

I think these pictures are so good and Lindsay looks so grown up. She is only five years old and she seems so much smarter than a five year old. Maybe she is so smart because her Grandma is a school teacher and helps her to learn so much. Oh, yes her Mother is very smart also. I have so many sweet photos of Lindsay, Judy sends me lots of them and I appreciate it.